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Columbia, South Carolina
September 8, 2006     The Columbia Star
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September 8, 2006
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The Columbia Star o SC PublicNofic 8. 2oo6 . z S ONS STATE OF 8OUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF RICHLAND IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 2006-CP-40-4282 (Nem4ury-Forselesure) Deficiency Judgment Waived Sterling Lending Group, Inc as agent for Beatrice Shannon, Plaintiff, VS. Fairfield Holding, LLC, William B. Boyle, Jr McKenzie Banking Company, and Departmont efTreesury- InternaLRevenue Sorvive, Defendant(s). TO THE DEFENDANT (S) ABOVE NAMED; FAIRFIELD HOLDING, ~ AND WILLIAM S. BOYLE, JR. YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- MONED and required to answer the Complaint herein, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to asrve a mloy of your Answer to said Complaint upon the aubscriher at his c~[iee at P. O. Box 508, Irmo, SC 29063 within Thirty (30) days after service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and if ,you fall to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, judgment by default, will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. GARY P. RISH, PC Attorney far Plaintiff Irmo, SC 28th day efAuguet, 2006 If The United States efAmerlea is a. Defendant (The USA) in this action the above nara~ranh will anniv excovt The USA shall NOTICE OF FILING 20O6-CP-40-4232 TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Lis Pendeus in this eetion was filed in the Office oftbe Clerk of Conrt for Richiand County on or about July 25, 2006 and that the Summens and Complaint were filed in said Clerk's Office on or about July 25, 2006, the object and prayer of which is to obtain the relief stated in the Complaint. Gary W. Rish Attorney for Plaintiff Irma, SC August 28, 2006 LIB PEND]gN8 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That an action has been eom- men~d and is pending or is about to be commenced in the Circuit Court between the above-named Plaintiff against the above-named Defendant to foreclose en a certain Mortgage to Sterling Lending Group, Inc. from William B. Boyle, Jr, dated April 18,2005, and filed of record in the Register of Deeds Office for Richland County on April 18, 2005, in Mortgage Book 1%1043 at Page 2724. Plainttffla the physical custodi- an oftbe original note and the holder in due co'm'se entitled to demand payment thereon. The property which is the subject of said aetien is described as fol- lows: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of lend, with improvements thereon, lying being and situate in the County of Riehland, State ' of South Carolina, the same being the major portion of LOT ~q-w " '---~--.--J, BJgekF, as sho~v~ on plat showing ~di~g~ment efLo~ ' in Block F of Roeewood Gardens on a plat prepared by B.P. Rather and Associates, Inc dated June 5,19~, meerdadin : the ROD for Richlend County in Plat Book 9, Page 14; end being the same property which is more fully shown and delineat- ed en a plat prepared for Brenda F. Morrow by Michael T. Arant & Associates, dated June 25,1990, recorded in Plat Book 53, page 1137. Reference also made to plat prepared for William B. Boyle, Jr by Benjamin H. Whetstone, dated December 8, 1994 sad recorded in the Office of the ROD for Ricldand County in Plat Book 55 at page 5944. For a more accurate description, roferenes" is made to said latter plat, All measurements being a little more er lass, Derivation; Being the same property conveyed by Deed of Brenda F. O'Conner (0k/a, Brenda F. Morrow) to William B. Boyle. Jr. dated December 30, 1994, recorded December 30, 1994, in Deed Book 1236 at Page 466. Further being the same property conveyed by Deed of William B. Boyle, Jr, d/h/a The Lorick Land Company to Fairfield Holdings, LLC date~ and recorded on November 22, 2005 in Deed Book R-1 124 at Page 302. TMS #: 13704-02-27 Property Address: 3127 Montgomery Avenue, Columbia, SC 29205 THIS COMMUNICATION IS AN EFFORT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMA- TION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. RATCHFORD & HAMILTON, L.LP. David M. Ratchford Columbia, South Carolina July 20,2006 r Billie B, Goodman Brian C. Gambrell Attorney (s) for Plaintiff 1531 Laurel Street Celumbia~qC 29201 Telephone: (803)779-0700 Facsimile: (803) 779-7006 SUMMON8 STATE OF 8OUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF RICHLAND IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 2006-CP-40-42&~ (Non4ury-foreelmure) I)efleleney Judllment Waived Sterling Lending Group, Inc as agent for WHP Self Directed, IRA, LLC, Plaintiff vs. Fsirfield Holding, LLC, William B. Boyle, Jr MeKenais Banking Company, and Department of Treasury-Internal Revenue Service, Defendant(s). TO THE DEFENDANT(S) ABOVE NAMED: FAIRFIELD HOLDING, LLC AND WILLIAM B. BOYLE, JR. YOU ARE HERE, BY SUM- MONED and req~ to answer the Complaint herein, a cOpy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to said Complaint upon the subscriber at his office at P. O. Box 506, Irm~ SC 29063 within Thirty (30) days after service hereof, eaeluaive of the day of such service, and if yen fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, judgmmt by default will be rendered against you for the relief demended in the Complaint. Gary P. Rish, PC Attorney for Plaintiff Irma, SC 28th day efAugust 2006 If The United States efAmeriea is a. Defond~t~t ~e~U~) in this aeti~ the above mraa~anh will apbly e~cept The USA shall . as 'S n NOTICE OF FILING 200~CP"10-42~ TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Lis Pendena in this ar~don was filed in the Office of the Clark of Court for R/chianti County on or about July 25, 2006 and that the Summons and Complaint were filed in said Clerk's Offco on or about July 25, 2006, the o]~ect and prayer of which is to obtain the relief stated in the Complaint. Gary P. Rish Attorney for Plaintiff Irm~ SC August 28, 2006 Lm PENDEN8 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ' that an action has bern com- menced and is pending or is about to be commenced in the Circuit Court betw~n the above-named Plaintiff agalust the above-named Defendant to foreelose on a certain Mortgage to Sterling Lending Group, Inc. from William B, Boyle, Jr. dated April 18, 2006, and filed of reesrd in the Register of Desds Ofl~e for Richlend County on April 18, 2005, in Mortgage Book 1%1043 at Page 270@. Plaintiff is the physical custodi- an of the original note and the holder in due course entitled to demand payment thereon. The property which is the subject of said action is described as fol- lows: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, with improvements thereon, lying being and situate in the County of Rtchiand, State of South Carolina, the same being designated as LOT NO. 15, Block "D" on a plat of por~ tion of Suburban Gardens, by William Wingileld, Rag, Surveyor, dated May 9, 1956, and last rer/sad June 30, 1959, and recorded in the Office of the ROD for Richland County in Plat Book 13 at page 286; and being the same property shown on plat prepared for William B. Boyle, Jr. dated July 8, 1996 and recorded in the Office of the ROD for Richlend County in Plat Book 56 at page 4537. Reference is made to said latter plat for a more aeourate doserlp- tion. All msasorementa being a little more or Ices. Derivation: Being the same property conveyed by Deed of Richland Investment Corporatlen to William B. Boyle, Jr. dated July 30, 18696, reoocded August 7, 1996, in Deed Book D1331 at Page 606. Further being the same proper- ty conveyed by Deed of Wi~iam B. Boyle, Jr d/b/a The Leriek Land Company to Fairfield Holdings, LLC dated end recorded on November 22, 2005 in Deed Book 1%1124 at Page 322. TMS # 13705-14-08 Property Address: 1529 Laburnum Drive Columbia, SC 29205 THIS COMMUNICATION IS AN EFFORT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMA- TION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, RATCHFORD & HAMILTON, L.L.P. David M. Ratchferd Billie B. Goodman Brian C. Gambrell Attorney (s) for Plaintiff 1531 Laurel Street Columbia, SC 29201 Telephone; (803) 779-0700 Facsimile: (803) 779-7006 Columbia, South Carolina July 20, 2006 ffrATJg OF 8OUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF RICHLAND IN THS COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 2006-CP40-42S4 (Non-Jury-Forednatwe) I)efleieney Judgment Waived Sterling Lending Group, Inc as agaut far Perlofft~nterprisce Limited, Plaintiff, VS. Fairfield Holding, LLC, William B. Boyle, Jr MeKenzie B~g Company, and Department of Trea~mry-Internai Revenue Service, Defendant(s). TO THE DEFENDANT(S) ABOVE NAMED: FAIRFIELD HOLDING, LLC AND WILLIAM E. BOYLE, JR. YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- MONED and required to answer the Complaint herein, a copy of wbtch is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to said Complaint upon the subeeribor at his offlco at P.O. Box 508, Irma, SC 29063 within Thirty (30) days after ecrvico hereof, exclusive of the day ofsush servico, and ify~ foil to answer the Complaint within the time aforosaid, judg- ment by default will be ren- dered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. GARY P. RISH, PC Attorney for Plaintiff Irme, SC 28th day of August, 2006 If The United States of Amarira this action the above uaram~uh will anulv exeent The USA shall have Sixty (80~ days ta anawme this Summons and C~m nts/~t. NOTICE OF FILING ~006-CP-40-4~4 TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the IAs Pandens in this action was filed in the Offico of the Clerk of Court for R/chland County on or'about July 25, 2006 and that the Summons and Complaint were filed in said Clerk's Offco on or about July 25, 2006, the oMect and prayer of which is to obtain the relief stated in the Complaint. Gary R Attorney for Plaintiff Irm~ SC August 28, 2006 LIE PENDENS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been com- monced and is pending or is about to be commenced in the Clreuit Court between th~ tbevs-named Plaintiff against the abeve-named Defendant to foreclose on a certain Mertgage to Sterling Le~ Grip, Ine, fl~m William B. Boyle, Jr, dated February 25, 20O~ and filed of re~rd in the Register of Deeds Offico for Richland County on Feb~mry 2~, 2005, in Mortgage Book 1%1027 at Page 1992. Plaintiff is the physical custedi- an of the original note end the holder in due course entitled to demand payment thereon. Tha p~oparty which is the sul~ect of said a~ion is ~ as fol- Lows: All that esrtain piece, pares] or lot of land, lying being and situ- ate in the County of Richlend, State nf South Carolina, the same being dmiglmtod as Let Number Seventeen (17), Block ~A', en a plat of Hampton Wood Subdivision on a plat prepared by B.P, Barber & Aesesiatse, Inc. Engineers, dated March 1, 1982, recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for l~chland Cennt~ in Plat Book "Z" at page 200?; roference baing made to said plat prepared for Malcolm Mitchell, prapared by,- Hus~y, Gay, Bell & DeYoung, In~ dated Auguat 12, 1991, recorded in Record Book 53 at Page 6275. Rofe~mee also made to plat prepared for William B. Boyle~ Jr by Benjamin H. Whetstone, dated December 8, 1994 and recorded in the Office of the ROD for Richland County in Plat Book 55 at page 5724. Reference being made to said latter plat for a more complete description, all measurements be/ng a little more or [ess. Derivation: Being the same property conveyed by Deed of Malrolm A. Mitchell to William' B. Boyle, Jr. dated December 13, 1994, recorded December 14, 1994, recocded in Record Book D1233 at paga 725. Further being the same property con- veyed by Deed efWflllam B. Boyle, Jr d/b/a The Lorink Land Comp/my to Fairfield Holdings, LLC dated and recorded on November 22, 2006 in Deed Book 1%1124 at Page 326. TMS #: 13616-06-17 Property Address: 6405 Saye Cut Road, Columbia, SC 29209 THIS COMMUNICATION IS AN EFFORT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMA- TION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. RATCHFORD & HAMILTON, L.L.P David M. BatFhford Billie B. Goodman Brian C. Gsmbrell Attornay(s) for Plaintiff 1531 Laurel Street Columbia, SC 29201 Telephone: (803)779-0700 Faosimile: (803)779-7006 Columbia, South Carolina July 2O, 20oe SUMMONS STATE OF SOUTH CAROL~IA COUNTY OF RICHIAND IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS (NON-JURY) 06-CP-40-04~11 Barbara P. Dixon, Plaintiff, vs. David A. Adams, as Treasurer of Richiand County, The Heirs at Law of Robert Pope, The Heirs at Law of Marie Martin Pope, Robert Pope, II, The Heirs at Law of Grace H. Pope Macon- Ashe, Grace M. Carpenter, The Heirs at Law of Shirley G. Pope Hatten, William R. Hatton, Kevin Hatten, Darrell Hatten, The Heirs at Law of Mary E. Pope Casey, Vinesnt Casay, Dale Caasy, Michael Casoy, Brian Csaey, The Heirs at Law of Berry R. Pope Battoe, Carl Battoe, Carol BaRee, James Batten and Janico Battes Rogers, and if any of the defm- danto m'ed,ecnsasd, thon their heirs or deviseos at law, and all other persons unknown. chiming any right, title, inter- estin or lieu up~ the real estate described heroin, and any unknown infants or persons under disahillty or persons in the military service hereby des- ignuted as ~ d~s as John Doe, Defendants. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANt. YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- MONED AND REQUIRED to answer the Complaint in this actien, a c~py of which is hereby served upon yen, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the subeeriber at 1418 Park Street, Columbia, ~South Carolina, with- in thirty (3,0) daya, thirty-five (35) days if ecrvice is by corti- fled mail, e~elueive of the day of said service, and if you fail to answer, aL~pea)r or defend thisl actions with,~ "~in the'tli~ af0re~ said, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demsmded in the Complaint H. Ronald Stanley ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 1418 Pack Street Post Office Box 7722 Columbia, South Carolina 29202 (803) 799-4700 Columbia, South Carolina Dated: 8/16/06 NOTICE OF FILING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Summons and Complaint in the above entitled action was filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Richiand County on August 17, 2006. H. Renald Stanley Attorney for Plaintiff SUMMONS STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF RICHLAND IN THE FAMILY COURT FOR THE FH;TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT 00.DR-40-0645 Wayne J. Thomas, Plaintiff, vs. Claraleen J. Thomas, Defendant. TO: THE DEFENDANT ABOVF~NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- MONED AND REQUIRED to Answer the Complaint in this matter, a copy of which is here- with served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to said Complaint upon the sub- scriber at his office located at 2000 Park Stroet,Suite 100, Post Office Box 8596, Columbia, South Carolina 29202, within thirty (30) days from the service theroo/, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to Answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, Judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relsef demanded in the Complaint. ISAACS & ALLEY, L.LP O. Robin Alley 2000 Park Street, Suite 100 Post Office Box 8596 Columbia, SC 29202-8596 (802) 252-6323 Attorneys for the Plaintiff Columbia, South Carolina August 17, 2006 NOTICE: The Summons in this action, of which the above is a copy, together with the' Complaint therein was filed with the Clerk of Court of Richland County on July 5, 2006. SUMMONS STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF RICE[LAND IN THE FAMILY COURT FOR THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT 06-OR-46-2517 'lMmieo N. Vagt, Plaintiff, VS, avoon T. J. V~t, Defendant. TO: THE DEFENDANT ABOVE-NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- MONED AND REQUIRED to Answer the Complaint in this matter, a copy of which is here- with served upon you, and to serve a copy efyenr Answer to said Complaint upon the sub- scriber at his Offico located at 2000 Park Street, Suite 100, Post Office Box 8596, Columbia, South Carolina 29202, within thirty (30) days from the service theresi~ exelns/ve efthe day of such service; and if yen fail to Answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, Judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. ISAAC,8.& ALLEY, LL.P " G.Rehin Alloy 2000 Park Street, Suite 100 Post Office Box 8596 Columbia, SC 29202-8596 (303) 252-6323 Attorneys for the Plaintiff Columbia, South Carolina . " August 17, 2006 NOTICE; The Summons in this action, of which the above is a copy, together with the Complaint therein was filed with the Clerk of Court of Richland County on July 5, 2006. SUMMONS STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF RICHLAND COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 08-CP-40-3944 (Non4ury) Jeffrey C. Snipes and James P Truncellito, Plaintiffs, vs. Eric Wendall Greene, Defendant. TO THE DEFENDANT, ERIC WENDALL GREENE, ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- MONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action of which a copy is here- with served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint on the sub- scriber at his offices, 1704 Main Stroet~ Post Office Box 58, Columbia, South CRrelins. 29202 within (30) days al'mr the service hereof exclusive of the day of soch service; and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the pleintiffth this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the Complaint, and will move for an entry of default, and judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. McDONALD, McKENZIE, RUBIN, MILLER AND LYBRAND, L.L.R JOHN F. MCKE~NZIE Columbia, South Carolina Attorney for the Plaintiffs Post Office Box 58 August 18, 2006 Columbia, SC 29202 (302) 252.O50O NOTICE TOTHE DEFENDANT ERIC WENDALL GREENE: Notice is hereby given that the Complaint in the foregoing action, together with the Summons, of which the forego- ing is a copy, was filed in the on the 10th day of July, 2006. McDONALD, McKENZIE, RUBIN, MILLER AND LYBRAND, L.L.I~ JOKN F. MCKENZIE Columbia, South Carolina Attorney for the Plaintiffs Post Office Box 58 Columbia, SC 29202 (8O3) 252-O5OO 18th day of August, 2006 SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF FILING OF COMPLAINT STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF LEXINGTON IN THE MAGIETRATE'8 COURT Civil Case& 06-0714 UNUMProvidont Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Diane Leslie Yarid, Defendant. TO: DL~NE LESLIE YARID, DEFENDAN~ YOU ARE SUMMONED and required to answer the allega- tions oftbe attached complaint within thirty (30) days from the first day after receipt of this summons. Your answer must be received by the magistrato's court Iseated at 111 Lincr~ek Drive, Columbia, South Carolina 29212. If you fall to answer within the prescribed time, a judgment of default will be rendered against yon for the amount or other remedy requested in the attached complaint, plus inter- eat and costs. Given under my hand, this 24th day of May, 2006. Rebecca L. Adams Theodore D. Willerd, Jr. MONTGOMERY, PATTERSON, POTTS & WILLARD, L.L.P. 1517 Hmmpton Street Post Offco Boxl1886 Columbia, SC 29211-1886 Telephone: (803) 779-3500 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF May 18, 20O6 Columbia, South Carolina Answer from page 14 94716 1 8973 3 68 41 41 7869 6934 7 783 916 3, 41 9 8 8916374 Richland County Clerk of Court NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATE8 All persons having claims against the following eatatas are required to deliver or mall their claims to the indicated Personal Representatives, appointed to administer these estates, and to file their claims on Form #371PC with the Probate C,o~rt of Richlend Cennty, the address of which is P.O. Box 192, Columbia, SC 29202, on or before the date that is eight months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, (unless barred by operation of Section 62-3-803), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All daime are required to be presented in written statements, indication the name and the address eftbe claimant, the basis efthe claim, the amount claimed and the date when due, and a deserip- lion of any security as to the claim. Estate: Emma Eliza Saylor Abel 0OES40O1162 Personal Representative: Dennis M. Gerald Address: PO Box 805, Columbia, SC 29202 Attorney: Dennis M. Gerald Address: PO Box 805, Columbia, SC 29202 Estate: Henry Bauer 06ES4001146 Personal Representative: Katherine Bauer Address: 2201 Kennedy St Columbia, SC 29205 Attorney: Renaid Dodson " Address: 2903 Millwoed Ave Columbia, SC 29205 Estate: Nicie Ann J. Byrd 06ES4001167 Personal Representative: Melvin D. Bannister Address: PO Box 6833, Columbia, SC 29260 Attorney:. Melvin D. Bannister Address: PO Box 8833, Columbia, SC 29260 Estate: Marion Bowen Fergmmn 06ES40O1173 Personal Representative: John A. Ferguson Address: 120 Country Club Dr Columbia, SC 29206 Attorney: Joe Earle Berry Jr. Address: PO Box 394, Celumbla, SC 29202 Estate: Alphonso Glover 06ES40OI140 Personal Representative: Latoya Gray Address: 6 Killian Green Ct Celumbia, SC 29201 Estate: Deiane Mci3aw Harem 06ES4001149 Pemonal Ropr~mtative: Herman H. Harem Jr. Address: 1156 l~]uervaville Rd Hopkins, SC 29061 Estate: Sylvia Shellonberger Jobe 0OES40OI165 Personal Representative: Henry R. Jche Address: 3850 Northshore De Columbia, SC 29206 Estate: Walter Lee Johnson 06ES4001176 Personal Representative: Sonja S. Johnson Address: 7909 Springllower Rd Columbia, SC 29223 Estate: Samuel Kelly St. 06ES4001139 Personal Representative: Mary E.KeUy Addroas: 1934 Burton St Columbia, SC 29203 Estate: Renald N. Kennedy 06ES4001177 Personal Representative: Barbara G. Kennedy Address: 2 Hlaleah Dr Irmo, SC 29O63 Estate: Clarence Harley Leonhardt 06ES4001166 Personal Representative: Rhonda Le0nhardt Address: 574 Langfard Rd Blythewood, SC 29016 Estate: Daisy Lindsay Lindler 06ES4001158 Personal Representative: Darlene L. Lindler-Govan Address: 7547 Eaetview Dr [rmo, SC 29063 Estate: Elrie Jennings Lecldear 06ES4001152 Personal Reprenentative: Clementine Lcehisar Address: 417 Patio Place, Columbia, SC 29212 Estate: Dorothy Kelley Martin 06ES4001168 Personal Representative: Dorthy M. "Pate Address: 117 Dolphin Dr Spartanburg, SC 29307 Persona] Representative: Nancy D. Martin Address: 107 San Matoo Ct Hopkins, SO 29061 Attorney: Timothy Thompson Address: PO Box 6617, Florence, SC 29502 Estate: Edward Frank Martin Jr. 06ES4001170 Personal Representative: Dorothy M. "rate Address: 117 Dolphin Dr Spartanburg, SC 29307 Personal Representative: Nancy D. Martin Address: 107 San Mateo Ct Hopkins, SC 29061 Attoruey: Timothy Thompson Address: PO Box 6617, Florence, SC 29502 Estate: Sue Leemne Mincoy 06ES4001142 Personal Rep~entative: John Lasas~e Monteith Address: 1201 Hampton St Ste. 1A, Columbia, SC 29201 Attorney: Karen H. Thomas Address: PO Box 2285, Columbia, SC 29202 Estate: Robert Roosevelt Randle St. 06E84001151 Personal Representative: Robert R. Randle Jr, Address: 1509 Craven St Columbia, SC 29203 Estate: Thomas Franklin Richey 06ES4001155 Personal Representative: Edna W. Richey Address: 4~5 Chafing Croes Rd Irmo, SC 29O63 Estate: Hilery Silas Rodgers 0OE84001171 Personal Representative: Devero R. Martin Address: 2250 Hollingahed Rd Irm~ SC 29063 Estate: James Ryan Seatt 06F~4001145 Personal Representative: James R. Scott Jr. Address: 137 Whispering Pines Cir Columbia, SC 29205 Attorney: C. Ansal Gantt, Allen Gantt & Best Address: PO Box 9507, Columbia, SC 29290 Estate: Cornelia Sonter 06ES40O1169 Personal Representative: Paul W Souter Address: 8421 Little John Dr Columbia, SC 29209 Estate: Warrens B.Steedley 06ES40O1144 Pereonal Reproecntative: Craig S. Steedley Address: 313 Gresnapringa Dr Columbia, SC 29223 Attorney: Thomas B. Levy Address: PO Box 2845, Columbia, SC 29202 Estate: Josseph Ramsay Tucker 06ES4001159 Personal Representative: Michael W. Lowrnnce Address: 751 Polneetta St Columbia, SC 29205 Personal RepraeLmtative: Petrea Warnerk Address: 5801 Indian Mound Rd Columbia, SC 29209 Attorney: Franchdle C. Mlllander Address: PO B~ 11497, Columbia, SC 29211 Estate: Victor Cooper Jr. 06E84001205 Personal Repres~mtative: C. Cheryl Cooper Address: 123 Cobblestone Ct Chapin, SC 29036 Estate: Lomon Edmond Sr, 06ES4001184 " Personal Representative: Sesame A. Edmond Brown Address: 6408 Rosebud St Columbia, SC 29203 Estate: Gae~e Vernon Gfell 06ES4001182 Personal Representative: David W Siddons Address: 301 Stoneridge Dr Columbia, SC 29210 Attorney: David W Siddons Address: 301 Stoneridge Dr Columbia, ~C 29210 Estate: Bobby Gene Gregory 06ES4001203 Persenal Representative: J. Erie Gregory Address: 139 Emerald Shores Cir Chapin, SC 29036 Attorney: W. Ehntt Eleaser Address: 912 Lake Spur Lane, Chapin, SC 29036 Estate: Jennalee Hadley Brown ~yson 0OES4001160 Personal Representative: Charles Ray Brown Estate: Margaret Ann Hildreth Address: 158 Elm Creek Dr 06ES4001195 Chapin, SC 29036 Personal Representative: Thomas Dean McKinley Estate: Joseph Paul Vaet~nas Hildreth 06ES40O1150 Address: 1783 Melody Lane, Personal Raprosentative: Mary Charle~on, SC 29414 Ann Vaatunas-Roe Address: 18 Upper Pond Rd Estate: Genatta Goins Columbia, SC 29223 Whetstone Howell Attmm~y: Michael H. 06ES40O1190 Montgomery Personal Representative: Address: 1517 Hampton St Thomas Johnson Columbia, SC 29201 Address: 604 Floyd Dr Columbia, SC 29203 Estate: Robert Hazlehurst Sr. 06ES40Ol;187 Personal Representative: Mikell Hazlchurst Baldwin Address: 600 McKee Rd Beaufort, SC 29907 Stevsn Ray Murphy Sr. Address: 1176 Sayre Ln Elgin, SC 20O4~ Estate: Msrtha L. Porterfield 06ES4001206 Personal Represontative: Michael P Porterfield Address: 332 Beilentine Estate Rd Irma, SC 29063 Estate: Er~eat Pestall Jr. 06ES4001 [81 Peroenai R~presentative: Laura E. Postell Address: 2810 Weybeurne Way, Columbia, SC 29223 Estate: Frank Emauuel Raiss 06ES4(~1192 Personal Representative: Mary A. Raise Addreos~ 137 Green Springs Ct. Columbia, SC 29223 Estate: Carrie Dalley Richardson 06ES4001188 Personal Representative: Anita R. Thatch Address: Ii01 Juliius Richardson Rdj irmo, SC 29063 Attorney: Joseph M. Epting Address: PO Box 2387, Irmo, SC 29063 Estate: Walter E. Richardson 06ES4001189 Personal Representative: Anita R. Thatch Addrnss: II01 Juliius Richardson Rd h'mo, SC 29063 Attorney: Joseph M. Epting Address: PO Box 2387, Irmo, sc 29o Estate: Lorietene Nipeon Robinson 06F ~4001178 Personal Representative: Mary R. Long Address: 2 Brandywine Lane, Columbia, SC 29206 Estate: Valentine Timothy Robinson Jr. 06ES4001180 Personal [Representative: Eunice W. Robinson Addrese 541 Romford Rd Columbia, SC 29203 Attorney: Thomas B. Levy Address: PO Box 2845, Columbia, SC 29202 Estate: Janice Banks Whaley 06ES4000681 Estate: Arthur Oshorne Personal Representative: Jacobsen Estate: Mardonia Hateheil Marcus Banks 06ES4001204 Sharpe Address: 1400 Trinity Dr #M2, Personal Representative: Ruth 06ES4001198 Columbia, SC 29209 Elen~or Jacobsen Peraonal Representative: Larry Address: 219 Lower Glen Cir H. Sharpe Estate: Preston Wider Jr. Blytheweed, SC 29016 Address: 8124 Winnabem Rd 06ES40O1175 Blythewood, SC 29~16 P~I Representative: Fatate: Anna Lee l~reoman Personal Representative: Fred Antoinette Wider Gathers MeKie A. Sharpe "Address: 7700 Cutleton Lane, 06ES4001193 Address: 230 Brinton Ct Columbia, SC 29223 Personal Representative:Lexington, SC 29072 Attorney: Antoinette Gathers Hoyward L. MeKle Address: 7700 Castleton Lane, Address: 1085 Harwich Dr Estate: Ruby C. Shirah Columbia, SC 29223 Chesapeake, VA 23322 06ES4001194 Perac~ai Rapreaontative: Bottle Estata: Ronald Eugene Moore S. Stinnette 06ES40O1202 Addresm 205 Areola Dr Personal Reprosontative:Columbia, SC 29223 Estate: Catherine Mildred Catherine Kennedy Baler ' Address: PO SOx 11070, 06ES4001209 Columbia, SC 29211 Personal Repreecntative: Ssan Attorney: Catherine Kennedy McCarthy Baler Address: PO Box 11070, Address: 2613 Klawah Ave. Columbia, SC 29211 Columbia, SC 29206 Estate: Mable Mildred Murphy Estate: Frances Elizabeth Cedy 06E84001199 06F ~q4001179 Pe~enal Repr ~mtative: i i Estate: Cl/fford Paul Thompson 06ES4000980 Personal Representative: Jcannie Lneas Address: 210 Green Bay Dr Rock Hill, SC 29732 Attorney: Dell R Chappell Address: 1320 Main St 17th Floor, Celumhia, SC 29201 Estate: Muriel Mary Ti~rner 06ES40O1197 Personal Representative: Peter W. Welch Address'. 2233 Weiss Dr Columbia, SC 29209 Attorney: Angels Dodd- Yarborough Address: PO Box 8012, Columbia, SC 29202 Estate: Florence Josephine Watson 06ES4001183 Personal Representative: Charles M. Black Jr. Address: FO Box 2628, Columbia, SC 29202 Attorney: Charles M. Black Jr. Address: PO Box 2628, Columbia, SC 29202 Estate: Alan Wayne Wolf 06ES4001211 Personal Representative: Karen H. Thomas Address: PO Box 2285, Columbia, SC 29202 Attorney: Karen H. Thomas Address: PO Box 2285, Celumbla, SC 29202 Estate: Mamle Broome Adams 06ES4021229 Personal Representative: Beverly Adams Rh0den Address: 202 Hasting. Pt Columbia, SC 29203 Estate: Gertrude Esser Beckman 06ES4001212 Personal Representative: Arthur J. Beckman Address: 506 Hemphin St Columbia, SC 29205 Estate: Frances S. Bennett 06ES4001240 Personal Representative: Albert Darrell Bennett HI Address: 4319 Ivy Hall Dr Columbia, SC 29206 Personal Representative: Melissa Baldwin Address: 3109 Cornwall Rd Celumbla, SC 29204 Attorney: B. Joel Stoudenmire Address: PO Drawer 10648, Greenville, SC 29603 Estate: Dudley Hampton Britt Jr. 02ES4021185 Persoual Representative: Betty A. Britt Address: 3600 Chateau Dr E- 205, Columbia, SC 29204 Estate: William Leeter llrowder 06ES40O1232 Personal Representative: Marjorie B. Bmwder Address: 1104 Barton St Columbia, SC 29203 Estate: Gledys fir6wn 06ES4001215 Personal Representative: Jeetine Brown Ccaxum Address: 16 Palm Lane, Columbia, SC 29203 Estate: Molly Doyle Cantehno 06ES40O1223 Personal Representative: Gary E. Cantalmo Address: 4301 Deep Springs Ct Kennesaw, GA 30144 Estate: Edward Valentine Cerny 06ES4001230 Personal Representative: Jan L. Warner Address: PO Box 2628, Columbia, SC 29202 Attorney: Jan L. Warner Address: PO Box 2628, Columbia, SC 29202 Estate: Florence Joan Wood Collingwoed 06ES4001222 Personal Representative: Brott Collingwoed Address: 2709 185th St Redondo Beach, CA 90278 Estate: Gloria Stuart Farley 06ES4001238 Personal Representative: James .C. Farley HI Address: 9728 Welwin Lane, Charlotte, NC 28210 Attorney: Eugene F. Rogers Address: PO Box 100200, Columbia, SC 29202 Estate: Desiree ~ankey Felder 05ES4001502 Personal Representative: William 8. Felder Sr. Address: 69"22 Carmel Dr Columbia, SC 29203 Attorney: William Pyatt Address: PO Box 12041, Columbia, SC 29210 Estate: Robert H. Fowler Jr. 06ES4001221 Personal Representative: Eunice C. Fowler Address: 200 S.Waceamaw, Columbia, SC 29205 Attorney: Deborah A. Malphrus Address: PO Box 1749, Ridgeland, SC 29936 Estate: Ernest Hwzekish Frest 06ES4001PA3 Personal Representative: Louise W. Frost Address: 5615 Weston Ave Columb/a, SC 29203 Estate: Lilllan Beasley Harris 06ES4001214 Personal Representative: Harold S. Morrow Address: 106 Floyd Rd Hampton, GA 30228 Estate: Rob Roy Honeycutt Sr. 06ES4001242 Personal Representative: Rob Roy Honeycutt Jr. Address: 131 Century Dr Columbia, SC 29212 Estate: Anthony Jerome Jackson 06ES4001213 Personal Representative: Arthur N. Jackson Jr. Address: 1919 Lady St Columbia, SC 29201 Attorney: Stephen L. Hudson Address: PO Box 5782, Columbia, SC 29250 Estate: Solomon Johnson 06ES4001220 Personal Representative: Esther Johnson Address: 208 American Ave Hopkins, SC 29061 Estate: Mary Anne Cappelmann KeneR 06ES4001218 Personal Representative: Oliver Jack Kaueft Jr. Address: 137 Shannondale Ct Columbia, SC 29209 Estate: William Kelly Jr. 06ES4001241 Personal Representative: Mitchell Brice Kelly Address: 112 Silver Maple Ct Lexington, SC 29073 Estate: Margaret Hodges Kemp 06ES4001210 Personal Representative: Helen Hedges Address: 412 39th Ave Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 Estate: Wihnoth Pickel 06ES40012PA Personal Representative: Paul R. Pickel Address: 806 Fairwoed Dr Columbia, SC 29209 Estate: Lawrence Edwin Shealy Jr. 06ES4001227 Personal Representative: Alice D. Shealy Address: 4820 Clemsen Ave Columbia, SC 29206 Estate: Robert Lee Smith 06ES4001236 Personal Representative: Corine Lee Smith Address: 4839 Jones St Columbia, SC 29203 Attorney: F. Xavier Sterkas Address: PO Box 1497, Columbia~ SC 29202 Estate: Betty June Summer Smyrl 06ES40O1239 Personal Representative: Linda S. Martin Address: 208 S. Waccamaw Ave Columbia, SC 29205 Attorney: Allen E. Fulmer Jr. Address: 1812 Bull St Columbia, SC 29201 Estate: James Stewart 06ES4001233 Personal Representative: Dorothy Stewart Address: 560 Campground Rd Columbia, SC 29203 Estate: Sara Paschal Warner 06ES4001225 Personal Representative: Ramona Lee Paschal Address: 2817 Edison St Columbia, SC 29204 Attorney: J. Thomas Falls Jr. Address: PO Box 5025, . Columbia, SC 29250 Estate: Raymond Weston Sr` 06ES4001237 Personal Representative: Carolyn Reese Weston Address: 1121 Page St Columbia, SC 29205 Estate: Jewel B. Wilson 06ES4001219 Personal Representative: Edward H. Wilson Jr. Address: 841 Grover Wilson Rd Blytbewood, SC 29016 Attorney: Karen H. Thomas Address: PO Box 2285, Columbia, SC 29202 Estate: Carolyn Diane Wood- Ellison 06ES4001235 Personal Re1~rese~tati~e" Michael C. Ellisen Address: 220 Kings Creek Rd Irme, SC 29063