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Columbia, South Carolina
September 8, 2006     The Columbia Star
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September 8, 2006
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16 o SEPTEMBER 8. 2006 Public Notices THE COLUMBIA ~TAR S C the Cover Sheet for Civil ~ and any unknown mi~m or A one, Certiflmto . ipemonaio l dlmbRit Exemption/W~hdraWal frombeing a claim ~a~mnted u Arbitratima and Mediation, Summons and Notices, and Complaint, of which the forego- ing is a copy of the Summons, were filed with the Clerk of Court for Richbind County, South Carolina on May 3!, 2006 and amended Summmm and Notices, and amended Complaint on July 13, 2006 TO THE DEFENDANT LIVEL GALLMAN: YOU WILL TAKE NOTICE that the Cover Sheet for Civil Actions, CerUfleste of Exemptien/Withdrewal Arbitration and Mediation, Summons and Notices, and Complaint, of which the forego- ing is a copy of the Sum~ona, were filed with the Clerk of Eichard'Re and The United States ofAmeries asting by and through its agency, the Internal Revenue Service, DEFENDANT(S). TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- MONED and required to m~swer the Complaint hare/n, a copy of which is herewith served up~ you, or to otherwise appear and defend, and to serve " a copy of yanr Amwer to said Complaint upon the mlbt~ at their office, 39~6 Fabor Pbice, SURe 105, N~th Charleston, South Carolina, 29415, within thirty (30) days after service hereof, e~duaive of th~ day-of such ~rvim;m~ pt Court for Richland South Carolina on May 31, and amended Summo~ and Notices, and amended Complaint on July 13, 2006 Sandra L. Burr, SC Bar No. 1045 PERRIE & COLE OF SC, LLC 140 Stoneridge Drive Suite 450 Columbia, SC 29210 (803) 25~-1856 Attorneys for Plaintiff SERVICE OF BUlmtlON8 BY PUBLICRI~ON STATg OF SOtrFH CAROLINA COUNTY OF RICIILAND IN THE CO~ OF COMMON PLRA8 200~CP-40-0m~ County, that&he United St*t of . America, ff named, shall have sixty (60) days to answer after the asrvice hereof, esduaive of the day of aueh service; and if you fail to answer thes Complaint within the time aforesaid, or otherwise appear and defend, the Plaintiffin this action will apply to the Court f~ the relief demanded therein, and Judgment by default will be rendered agat~t yon for the reliof demondad in the Complaint. TO MINOR(S) OVER FOUR- TEEN YEARS OF ARE, AND/OR TO MINOR(S) UNDER FO EN YEAR8 OF AGE AND THE PERSON WITH WHOM THE MINOR(S) RESIDES AND/OR TO PEI~ An that certsin piece, pamel or lot of land, aituate, lying and being northeast of the limits of the City of Columbia, in the ares known as Fairwold, Richland Count~ South Carolina; said lot and property being shown, definested and deeignated as lot number fiRy- five (55) on a revised plat of the subdivision known as Greeaview, made by Calumbia Engineering Company and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Rithland County in Plat Book P at Page 86. TMS ~ 14204-18-14 werty Addre 117 Delilah Street, Columbia, SC FINKEL LAW FIRM LLC Pcat Office B~ 71727 39~ Faber4~ae~Eni1~200 - - North Charlcatan, SC 29415 (843) 577-5460 BEVERLY J. FINKEL THOMAS A. SHOOK ELIZABETH A. SHUFFLER SUSAN S. WHITE RICHARD G DDERINSKX Chadeston, South Carolina July 20, 2006 ORDKR APPOINTING GUARDIAN AD LITEM N~I It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, upon reading and filing of the Petition oftha Plaintiff for the appointment of Kelley Y. Woody, attorney in Co|umbia, South Carolina, as G~ardian ad Litom Niai for all unknown min~, and for all persona who may be under a legal diesbilitX it is ORDERED that Kelley Y ABOVE-NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- MONAD and required to answer the Complaint in the above-entitled action, a copy of which is hereby served upon you and to serve a copy of your answer to said Complaint upon the subeeribers at their office, located at 2008 Marion Street Suite J, Columbia, South Carolina, within thirty (30) days from the date of such serv- ice, and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiffherein wnl apply t~ the Court for an Order for Judgmont by Default thereby granting the relief requested in said Complaint. YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN FURTHER NOTICE that should you fail to answer the fo~o~g Summ~n~ and Complaint, the Plaintiff will move for a general Order of Reference of this cause to the Honershle Jsaeph M. Strickland, Master in Equity for Richland County, or his succee- 8or or snecesaol~ in office or such Special Master or Special Ref ee to whom this case may be assigned, which Order shall, l~rouant to Rule 53 of the Sonth Carolina Rules of Civil Pro~dure, specifically provide that the said Master, or his sue- ceeeer or successors in office or such Spedai Muter or Special Referee, be authorized and empow~ed to enter a final judgment in this cause with appeal, if any, to the South Carolina Court of Appeals SR. ANDERSON on behalf of all unknown minors and all unknown persons under a disability, all of where may have er may claim to have some interest in or claim to the real property commonly known as 1410 Hutchinson Court, Richland County, South Carolina; that he is empowered and directed to appear on behalf of and represent said Dofendanta, unless the said Defendants, or someone on their behalf, shall within thirty (30) days after service of a copy heroof as directed, pcocure the appointment of Guardian or Guardians ad Litem for the said Defendants; AND IT [] FURTHER ORDERED That a copy of this Order shall forthwith be served upon the said Defen~bi~ts by publication thereof in The Richiand County Chronicle. a newspaper of gen- eral circulation published in the County of Richlond, State of South Carolina, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, together with the Summons in the above entitled action, ORDER APPOINTING ATTORNEY FOR DEFENDANTS IN THE MILITARY Upon reading and filing of the attached Petition for the Appointment of an Attorney to repreaenx any known or unknown Defendants who may he in the Military Service of the United States of America, and may be, as such, entitled to the benefits of the provisions of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil mortgage of roal estate hereto- fore given by Penny K. Fentonot to Wilmington Finance bearing date of October 28, 2005 and recorded Novqmber 9, 2005 in Mortgage Book 1119 at page 3135 in the RMC Office for Richiand County, in the original principal sum of Ninety Two Thousand and 00/100 ($92,000.00) Dollars, and that the premises effseted by said mortgage and by 'the foreclosure thereof are situated in the County of Richlond, State of South Carolina, and is " described as follows: All that certain piece, parcel, or lot of land, with the improve- ments thereon, situate, lying, and being in the County of Richland, State of South on er shout July 25, 2006, the objest and prayer of which is to obtain the relief stated in the Complaint. Gary P Rish Attorney for Plaintiff h'mo, SC August 28, 2006 Lm PENDEN8 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been com- menced and is pending or is about to be commenced in the Circuit Court between the above-named Plaintiff against the above-named Defendant to foreclose on a certain Mortgage" to Stealing Lending Group, IDc. from VdUiam B. Boyle, Jr, dated May 13, 2005, and filed of record in the Register of Deede Office for Richland County on Carolina, the May-13, 2~5, in M9rtgage Book and designated as the major portion of Lot 11, Block L on bonded plat of Winsicw Subdivision, Phase I, by Civil Engineering of Columbia, dated July 25, 1988, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Richland County, in Plat Book 52, page 3002. Reference is also made to a plat prepared for Janice S. Britton by Cox and Dinkins, Inc datad February 6, 1998 and recorded in Plat Book 8, at page 744, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Richland County. For a more accurate description of the said lot, reference is made to latter mentioned plat. Be all measurements, a little more or less. Derivatien: This being the same property conveyed from R-1053 at Page 1629. Plaintiffis the phyeical custodian of the original note and the holder in due course entitled to demand payment thereon. The property which is the eubjest of said action is described as follows: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of lend, with improvements thereon, lying being and situate in the County of Richland, State of South Carolina, City of Columbia, lying North of Timberlane Drive and East of the right-of way of South Beltline Blvd eonsisting'of LOT C (containing seven thou- sand two hundred forty nine (7249) square feet) and being more funy shown and delineat- ed on a plat prepared for Richiand Investment Corporation, by Baxter Lend * Conmtru~ion SONS UNDER SOME LEGAL Woedy, Attorney at Law, he end Attorney for Plaintiff Rellof Act of 1940. and any Farmie Mae A/K/A Federal Surveying Co Inc dated Dofeet/Negligenee The Housing Authority of the City of Columbia, Piain~ff, Eddie White individually, Eddie White dA~a ANEW DISABILITY: she is hereby appointedPost Office Box 12188 YOU ARE FURTHER SUM- Guardian ed Litom Nlsi on Columbia, SC 29211 MOND AND NOTIFIED to behalf of unknown miners or (803) 252-2828 apply for the appointment of a persons under a legal disability, June 27, 2006 .guardlauadlitsmwRhlnthlrt~ ail of wlmm may have an inter- NOTICE OF ILING (30) days after the service of eet in or claim to have some TO THE DEFENDANTS th/sSummons and Notice upe~ interest-in the res~ ABOV~NAMED: Construction Company, and van. If you fail to do so~ ~vpliea- ANEW Constrnction Company, tim i~r snch appointment will Defendants. be made by the Plaintiff. TO THE DEFENDANT8 YOU WILL ALSO TAKE ABOVE-NAMED: NOTICE that should you fail to YOU ARE HEREBY 81YM- anew~ the femgelng Summons, MONED and required to the Plaintiff will move for a Answer the Complaint in ~ general ~ of Reforanoe to action, a copy of whi~ is on file the Master in Equity far with the Richland County Clerk Rlehland, which Order shaH, purmmnt to Rule 33(b) of the South Carolina Rule~ of Civil Pmeaduro, specifically provide that the said Ms,mr in Equity is authorim~l and empowered to enter a final judgment in this astion. FINKEL LAW FIRM LLC Pcat Ofiles Box 71727 3965 gaber Place~ Suite 200 N~ Charleston, 8C ~9415 (843} 577-546O BEVERLY J. FINIAL THOMAS A, SHOOK LIZAB PH & SHUFFLER" SUSAN 8. WHITE RICHARD G. DUERIN8KX NOTICE O1 FILIN~ known as 117 Delilah St C~lumbia, SC; that she is empowered and dir~ted to appear on behalf of and repre- sent todd Defendanta, unless the estd Dofendant~ or some- one on their behalf, shall within thirty (30) days after ~awies of a sopy hereof as directed, pro- cmre the appointment of a Guardian nd Litom for the said Defendants; AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order shall forthwith be served upon the said Defendants by publieat/on theroefin the Columbia Star Iffk/a The Star Reporter), a newspaper of gen- oral circulation published in the County of Richland, State of South Carolina, ones a week for three eenseontive weeks, togeth- er with the Amended Summons in the above entitled action. Barbers A. Scott, Clerk of Court for Riehland County Columbia, South Carolina August 22, 2006 of Court and available for inspection having been filed on February 17, 2006, at 2:22 pro. You are to servs a cepy of yonr answer to said Complaint on the persons wh~e names are subseribedheinw at 1301 Gervaia Street, Suite 901, P.O. Bax 7217 Columbia, SC 29202, within thirty (30) days alter the set'vice hereef, exdnaive d~dat day of such service, and ffyou fail to answer the Complaint within the time afor~aid, judg- ment by default will he ran- dered agalnat you for the relief demanded in the Complaint, NOTICE OF FILING OF COMPLAINT Notice is hereby given that the I Complaint in the foregoing action, together with the Summons, Notice and Notice of Motion for Order of Referenes, of which the foregoing is a copy, wsa fllad in the Ofl~ce of the Clerk of Court for Richiand County on June 28, 2006. NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been com- menced and is now pending in the Court of Common Pleas for Richland County, South Carolina, upon the Complaint of the Plaintiff above-named seek- ing a declaratory judgmont to quiet title to the property described ~ propert~ to wit: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, with improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the County of Richland, State of South Carolina, said lot being shown and designated as Lot No.'s 9-E and 9-F, Rieek A, as dcaig~ated on a plat of re- amendments thereto, and it fur- ther appearing that, Jean-Marie Mille, Esquire, has consented to act for end represent said Defendant, it is ORDERED that the said Jean- Marie Mille, Esquire, be and he is hereby appointed attorney for any known or unknown Defendants who are, or may be, in the Military Service of the United States of America, and may be, as such, entitled to the benefits ofthe provisions of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Rellof ASt of 1940. and any amendments thereto, to repre- sent and" protect the interests of said Defendant& and IT IS SO ORDERED. Barbara A. Scott. Clerk of Court of Commen Pleas for Richland County S.K ANDERSON Attorney for Plaintiff Post Office Box 12188 Columbia. SC 29211 (80~) 252-2828 SUMMONS AND NOTICES STATE OF SOUTH C~LINA COUNTY OF RICHLAND IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 5TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT National Mortgage Association to Penny K. Fontenot by deed recorded on January 13, 2004, in Plat Book 893, page 3792, in the Office of the Register for Richland County, Stats of South Carolina. Tax Map I~# R20202-01-11 Property Address - 103 Whitllald Court, Columbia, SC 29229 Riley Pope & Lonoy, LLC Post Office Box 11412 Columbia, SC 29211 (803) 799-9993 SUMMONS STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF RICHIAND IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 2006-CP-40-42~0 (Non~lury-Feweclosura) Deficiency Judgment Waived Sterling Lending Group, Inc as agent for Jeff end Terry Petrenchik, Plaintiff, vs. Fairfield Holding, LLC, William B. Boyle, Jr McKenaie Banking Company, and Department of Trssaury- Internal Revenue Sorvica, ' November 4, 1996 and recorded in the otnre of the ROD for Richland County in Plat Book 56 at page 6062. Being me~ particularly shown on a plat prepared.for William B. Boyle, Jr. d/b/a The Lorick Co by Baxter Land Surveying Co Inc dated February 19, 1997 and recorded in the Offico of the ROD for Richland County in Plat Book 56 at page 7383. For a mere complete and accurate description, reference is being made to said latter plat All messuremento being a little more or less. Derivation; Being the same property conveyed by Deed of Richiand Investment Corporation to William B. Boyle, Jr. d/b/a Lorick Land Company, dated February 24, 1997, re~orded in Deed Book D1367 at Page 244. Further being the same property con- veyed by Deed of WMliam B. Boyle, Jr d/Na The Lorick Land Company to Fairfield Holdings, LLC dated and recorded on November 22, 2005 in Deed Book R-l 124 at Page 314. TMS #: 13706-10-11 Property Address; 4009 Edmond Drive, MONED and required to answer the Complaint herein, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to said Complaint upon the subscriber at his office at P.O. Box 508, Irmo, SC 29063 within Thirty (30) days after service hereof, exeluaive of the day of such service, and ifyo~ fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforeeaid,judg- ment by default will he ren- dered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Gary P. Rish, PC Attorney for Plaintiff Irma, SC 281h day of August, 2006 IfThe United States of Ameries is e nt U " this actten the above mtra~ - raah will anolv e~eent The USA mmm k2nm m md NOTICE OF FILING TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the LisPendans in this action was filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Riehland Connty on or about July 25, 2006 and that the Summons and Complaint were filed in, said Clerk's Office on or about July 25, 2006, the object and preyer of which is to obtain the relief stated in the Complaint. Gary P. Pdsh Attorney for Plaintiff Irmo, SC August 28, 2006 LIE ~q~,NDEN8 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been com- menced and is pending or is about to be commenced in the Circuit Court between the above-named Plaintiff again:'t the above-named Defendant to forsel~e on a certain Mortgage to Sterling Lending Group, Inc. from William B. Boyle, Jr. dated October 5, 2004, and filed of record in the Register of Deeds Office for Riehland County on, .October 5, 2004, in Mortgage Book R-984 at Page 1727, Plaintiffia the physical enatedi- an of the original note and the holder in due course entitled to demand payment thereon. The property which is the subject of said action is described aa fol- lows: All that certain piece, parcel or lot oflond, with improvements thereon, lying being and situate in the County of Richland, State of South Carolina, the same being shown as 1517 Heatherwood Road, Columbia, South Carolina, the same being shown on plat of property of Edgar William Parker, Jr. by William Wingfield, dated April 29, 1950, end recorded in the Register of Deeds Office in Plat Book Number 14 at page 67; Please take notice that the NOT~2E IS HRREBY GIVEN . - subdivision of Lots 9, 15, 16 and ~006-CP-40-4147 Defendant(s). Columbia, SC 29205 being further shown en a plat Summons and Complaint tn the "that. the origin|/1 Complaint in EL~t~ONS, NOTICE AND 17, Bleak A of Haskell Heights Citimortgage, Inc TO THE DEFENDANT(S) THIS COMMLrNICATION IS prepared for William,B. Boyle, abeve-captianed action we~ the'a-~mve entitled astlen, NOTICE OF MOTION made by Barber, Keels, and Plaintiff ABOVE NAMED: AN EFFORT TO COLLECT A Jr. by Cox and Diukina, Inc fried on February 17, 2006 in together with the Summons, FOR ORDER Ameeiatm, Engineers, dated vs. FAIRFIELD HOLDING, LLC DEBT AND ANY n%rFORMA, dated May 17, 1994, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court wan filed in the Ofllce of the OF REF]g][I~C~ July 30, 1951 and recorded in Peuny K Fenteuet, AND WILLIAM B. BOYLE, JR. TION OBTAINED WILL BE Pbit Bouk 55 at page 2855; tel- for Richiand County, Sonth Clerk of Court for Richland S'PATE OF the Office of the Clerk of Court Defendant YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. erenca heing made to said plat. Carolina. County on July 20, 2006 at 3:36 8OUTH CAROLINA for Richiond County in Plat TO THE DEFENDANT(S): MONED and required to RATCHFORD & HAMILTON, for a more completed deecrip- McKay, Cauthen, Settm~ & p.m. COUNTY OF RI~ B~ok O at page 52;, said lot Penny l~ Fentenot answer the Complaint herein a L.L~. " tion, all measurements being a Stubley, PA FINKEL LAW FIRM LLC" IN THE COURT O]F being bounded ond measuring YOU ARE' HEREBY SUM- copy of which is herewith served David M. Retchford I/ttle mere or lose. T JeffGsodwyn, Jr. ! Pcat O1~ce Ek~t 71727 cOMMON ~ as follows: en the Northesst by MONED and required to upon you, and to carve a copy of Billie B. Goodman Derivation: Being the same P.O. Box 7217 3955 Fabm" Place, Suite 200 0~4L~P-40-1~51 Hutchinson Street and meaanr- answer the Complaint in the your Answer to said Complaint Brian C. Gambrell property conveyed by Deed of Columbia, SC 29202 North Charleston, SC 29415 (NON JURY) hag thereon 150 feet, on the above action, a copy which is upon the subscriber at his office Atiomey(s) for Plaintiff Elizabeth J. Meares to William (803) 256-4645 (843) 577-5460 E