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The Columbia Star
Columbia, South Carolina
September 8, 2006     The Columbia Star
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September 8, 2006
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The ColUmbia Star - SC Classified SEPTEMBER 8. 2OO6 " 1 5 NOTICE OF UNCLAIMED VEHI~LIC SALE . The fonowing vehicles(s) or other property are subject to towing, repair and/or storage liens, are declared to be ehan- do~ed pursuant to Section 56-5- 5810, 56-5-6636 and 29-1610 SC Law as Amended, and are in the custody of 8uddeth Towing, 1512 Heidt St Columbia, SC 29204 1.19@9 Nimmu Aitima Vin@ 1N4DL01DSXC270269 Vernie L Oibson, 7058 Mountainbreok Dr Cola SC 29209. Lien: The Vtrtual Lending Source 6080 Dagget St Suite 220 San Diego, CA 92111 Amounts 709.28. 2. lSSl Ded n nanty Vin# 1B3XC46R2MD210375 John Cemroy Lunan, 4443 Bethel Church Rd Cola SC 29206 Lien: Wallece G Wright 1911 Long Shadow Ln Cola SC 29223 AmounM15.28. 3. 2005 Roknta Moped Vin# LJ4TCKPW65J000367 Owner Unk AmountS 1090.00. 4. 1995 Ford Taunm Vin# 1FALP52-U'6SA108400 Janquellne D Scott, 1840 Tall Pines Cir Cola SC 29205 Lien: HMC Finance 3741 S Nova Rd Port Orange, FL 32119 Amounts 13(~.28. The owner and/or lieuliolder may reclaim your vehicle or other properW within fifteen (15) days of this notice by pay- ing to the custodian of the vehi- cle all towing, preservation, repair and storage charges authorized by law. Additional storage and/or proceasing coets may be added after the date of this notice. The failure of the owner and/or lienholdor to exercise their right to reclaim the vehicle or other property within the time provid- ed may be deemed a waiver of all right, title and interest in the vehicle or property and their consent to sale efthe vehi- cle or property at public sue- tien, Sale will take piece on the first Monday oftbe month fol- lowing the expiration of 30 days from the date of this notice. Public sale will take place at the Imsinemt of the custodian of the vehicle or property at 10 O'clock AM. Dated this 1st day of September, 2006 NOTICE OF UNCLAIMED VEHICLES/ PUBLIC SALE The following vehicles were Customer ordered tows and no one has claimed these vehicles as of 09/08/06. There is a lien on these vehicles for towing and storage charges and any addi- tional storage or costs from the date of this notice. Afler'fil~en (15) days from the date of this notice, Columbia Paint and Automotive at 821 Pepper Street, Columbia, SC 29209 will apply to the I~ykesland Magiatrete to sell these vehicles at Public Auction. If sold at Public Auction the successful bidder will get a title free and clear of any liens and enoum- brances under section 56-5- 5640. All parties that have any interest in the following vehi- cles have until the day of the auetian to reclaim the vehicle upon p~tyment of all charges. 1988 Honda Civt~ VIM# 1HGED3544JA023527 Owner: Shaurice Darvine Jecobe, 1261 Crossing Creek Rd, Hopkins, SC 29061 Ford VIN#1FALP52U3TA248494 Owner: Yolanda Dawn Murderk, 200 Grant Street, Apt. 68, Salislmry, NC 28144 1991 Chevrolet Immtna Van, VIN# 1GNCU06DOMT141495 Owner: Brenda Washington, 106 Dent Drive, Columbia, SC 292O3 Lianholder: Titlemax of Columbia #2, 3320 N. Main Street, Columbia, SC 29201 1984 Mereedes 8808E, VIN# WDBCA32A8EA062442, Owner: Nathanial Guinyard, 3150 Lucius Road, Columbia, SC 29201-1200 NOTICE OF ~RFQ~ The CiW of Columbia is requesting qualified Accounting /Auditing Firms to submit their qualifications to perform audit- ing services for its Empewerment Zone Program. To request a copy of the bid call- ing (803) 545-3470 between the hours of 8:30A.M.-5:00P.M. or leg ou to the wehsite at to obtain a copy in word format. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Augant 21, Z006 PROJECt. #WM8818 6" WATt2 MAIN FROM GREENVILLE CIRCLE TO CANAL DRIVE VIA MEANS AVENUE AND BALSAM ROAD Sealed proposals will be received by the Mayor and City Council of the CiW of Columbia, South Carolina, for water main esnstrnctlen. Proposals will be amepted from any Contractor qualified to bid under the South Carolina Licensing Law, until 2.~0 p.m local time, September 21, 2M6 at the sec- end floor Conference Room, 1225 Laurel Street in Columbia, South Carolina. The proposals of these bidders showing satis- factory evidence that they are appropriately licensed will be publicly opened by the City Engineer. The work to be done consists of, but not limited to the water main construction as shown on tlw drawings or as specified in the centract docu- merJte: 6" PVC 1095 L.F. 6~ DIP 120 L.F. Fire Hydrant 2 EA The CiW of Columbia reserves the right to waive technicalities, to reject any or all bids and to make such awards as, in the opinion of the City, appear to be to the best interest of the City. PAILUR]g ~ UgE THE RI~ ~ND FORM CONTAINED PORMS (BID BOND. PAGE 1 & 2). WITHOUT MODIFICA- R]~'] CNON OF M BID. Plans, specifications and bid proposal forms are on display at the office of the Director of Utilities and Engineering, eec~ end floor, 122S Laurel Street, Columbia, South Carolina, 29201. Inquiries should be addressed to Debbie 8eott, Utilities mad Engineerhag Department, City of ColMa at 808-545-~2. Copies ol'pla~ and speni~- estlons my be secured an or after September $, 2006 at the office of the Director of Utilities and Engineering, CiW of Columbia, P.O. Box 147, Columbia, South Carolina 29217 for a payable to the CiW of Columbia, Department of Utilities and Engineering, for each set of drawings and spncificatiens. NOq~: CHECKS MUST BE DEPARTMENT OF UTILI- PROPERTY AND RIGHTS AND ENGINRgI~rMn. DESCRIBED HEREIN MUST Subcontracting Outreach infor- BE COMMENCED IN A SEPA- nmtien will be provided during BATE PROCEEDING IN THE the PRE-BID CONFERENCE, COURT OF COMMON PLEAS which will be held on WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS September 12, 2006 at 2:00 OF THIS CONDEMNATION P~M local tkme, in the Second NOTICE, OR THE LANDOWN- Floor Cenforenes Room at 1225 ER.WILL BE CONSIDERED Laurel Street, Utilities and TO HAVE WAIVED THE Engineering Department, CHALLENGE. Columbia, South Carolina 13. THE CONDEMNOR HAS 29201. ELECTED NOT TO UTILIZE John J. Dooley, Jr PK THE APPRAISAL PANEL PRO- Dirsetor of Utilities and CEDURE. Therefore, if the ten- Engineering der herein is rejected, the Condemner shall notify the SUMMONS AND NOTICE Clerk of Court and shall OF FILING THE demand a trial to determine the CONDEMNATION NOTICE amount of just compensation to AND TENDER OF be paid. A copy of that notice PAYMENT, AND TAKING must be served on the POSSESSION OF Landowner. That notice shall PROPERTY PL~UANT TO state whether the Condemnor S.C. CODE ANN. demands a trial by jury or by SECTION 28-2-90(2) the court without a jury. The STATE OF Landowners have the right to SO~ CAROLINA demand a trial by jury. The COUNTY OF R[CHLAND case may not be called for trial IN M COURT OF before sixty (60) days after the COMMON PLEA8 service of that notice, but it may FOR M FI]~TH thereafter be given prioriW for JUDICIAL CIRCUIT trial over other civil casas. The 05-CP-40~670 Clerk of Court shall give the Richland County, Landowner written notice by Condemner, mall of the call of the case for vs. trial Heyward Blake[y, 14. THEREFORE, IF THE Landowner, TENDER HEREIN IS ~- YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- ED, THE LANDOWNER IS MONED, advised and uotifed, ADVISED TO OBTAIN LEGAL that pursuant to the South COUNSEL AT ONCE, IF NOT Carolina Eminent Domain ALREADY OBTAINED. Prooeduree Ac~ Sectlen 28-2-10, 15. In the event the el. eeq Richlend County, South Landowner accepts the amount Carolina, has fled the Notice of tendered in this Notice, the Condemnation and Tender of attached Request for Payment Payment with the Clerk of and Agreement form should be Court for Richland County on signed and returned to the this 27th day of July, 2005, at Condemner within (30) days of 1701 Main Street, Columbia, your receipt of this Notice. South Carolina, a copy of which EXHIBIT A is herewith served upon you, Richland County v. Heyward and has deposited with asme Blakely the sum of Two Thousand Three All that certain piece, parcel or Hundred ($2,300.00) Dollars, lot of land, situate, lying and the amount determined by the being in the County of Richland, Condemner to be just compen- State of South Carolina esntain. cation in this case, and pur- ing ene"half (1/2) acre, more or suant to section 28-2-90(3) of less and being bounded by prop- the South Carolina Eminent erty now or formerly of the Domain Procedures Act, the Estate of Blake[y, Hughes, Condemner is taking poosesaion James Davis, and Charity of the property interest that is Belton; said property being more fully set forth in the shown on a Plat prepared by Notice of Condemnation filed in James G. Gibbes dated this case. February I0, 1898 and being The purpose of this lawmdt is to further shown on Richland enable the Condemner to County Tax Map Sheet 871, ecquire the aforementioned Block 1, Lot 35. intermt for public purposes, as This being the same property is more fully stated in the conveyed Heyward Blakeiy by Notice of Cendemnation. deed, dated September 6, 1985, RICHLAND COUNTY and recorded in the RMC Office ATTORNEY'S OFFICE for Ricldand CounW on Larry C. Smith September 16, 1985, in Deed CounW Attorney Book 5M at page 489. Pset Office B~ 192 TMS# 11115.08-51 2020 Hampton Street ALSO: . Columbia, SC 29202 All that certain piece, parcel or (803) 576-2070 lot of land, situate, lying and Fax (803) 576-2139 being in the West side of Old ATTORNEY FOR CONDEM- Bluff Road, near Arthurtown, NOR-RIC~ COUNTY about three (3) miles ~outh of Columbia, South Carolina the CiW of Columbia, in the July 27,2005. County of Richland, in the CONDEMNATION NOTICE State of South Carolina, and AND TENDER being delineated as Lot "O" as OF PAYMENT shown on a Plat of the Estate of TO: THE LANDOWNERS Balton, made by J.C. Covington, ABOVE-NAMED C.E of re~rd in the ROD for Pursuant to the South Carolina Richland County, South Eminent Domain Procedures Carolina, in Plat Book "C" at Act, Selden 28-2-10, et. seq page 89. Cede of Laws of Seuth Cerolina, Thia being the came preperty (1976), as amended, you are conveyed Heywerd Blakeiy by hereby notified as follows: deed, dated February 18, 1983, 1. Richiand CounW is the and recorded in the RMC Office Cendemnor heroin for public for Richiand County on purposes, namely for construct- February 25, 1983, in Deed ing, improving, and/or main- Book 638 at page 547. teining streets or roads thereen. TMS # III15-08,52 2. The following ere named as Interest to be squired: having upon information and A permanent easement and belief an interest in the proper- right*0f-way for a portion of W: that tract identified on Richland a. Heywsrd Blake[y is County Tax Maps as TMS named as a Landowner in this 11115-08-51 (alee known as action based upon that certain Riley Street) lying within 20 deed fried in Deed Book 595, feet right/left; of the centerlins page 489, in the Richland of a newly aligned Riley Street CounW office of R.M.C.; also and running from approximate based upon that certain deed survey station 14+92 to 17+12; flied in Deed Book 638, page the same being further reflected 547, in the Richland County on a set of plans prepared for office of R~M.C. Richland County by Florence & 3. Exhibit A, attached hereto Hutchseen, Consulting and incorporated herein by rof- Engineers and shown on erence is a description of the attached. real property subject to this ALSO: action and a description of the A permanent easement and intereet sought by the right-of.way for a portion of Condemner. that tract identified on Richland 4. Richland CounW is vested CounW Tax Maps as TMS with the power of eminent 11115-08-52 (also known as domain pursuant to Section 4-9- Riley Street) lying within 20 30 of the Cede of Laws of Seuth feet right/leR of the centorline Carolina, 1976, as amended, of a newly aligned Riley Street 5. The property sought herein and running from approximate is lobe acquired for public pur- survey station 17+ 12 to 18+23; poses, more particularly for con- the same being further reflected airucting, improving, and/or on a set of piano prepared for maintaining streets or roads Richland County by Florence & thereon. Hutchceen, Consulting 6. This action is bTought pur- Engineers and shown on suant to Section 28-2-240, Code attached. of Laws of Seuth Carolina, RICHLAND COUNTY ATTOR- 1976, as amended. NEY'S OFFICE 7. Richland County has com. Larry C. Smith plied with the requirements set County Attorney forth in section 28-2-70(A), Cede Poet Office Box 192 of Laws of South Cerolina, 2020 Hampton Street 1976, as amended, by having Columbia, SC 29202 the su]~ert property appraised (803) 576-2070 and certifies to the Court that a Fax (803) 576-2139 negotiated resolution has been ATIX3RNEY FOR CONDEM- attempted prior to the corn- NOR- RICHLAND COUNTY mencament of this action. Columbia, South Carolina 8. Pr~ert piano may be July 27, 2006. inspected at the office of the Richland County Department of SMONE AND Public Works & Engineering - NOTICE OF FILING 400 Poweli Road, Columbia, STATE OF South Carolina, 29203. SOUTH CAROLINA 9. THE CONDEMNOR HAS COUNTY OF RICHIAND DETERMINED JUST COM- IN M COURT OF PENSATION FOR THE PROP- COMMON ERTY AND RIGHTS TO BE 06-CP-40-5098 ACQUIRED HEREUNDER TO,Road/Route S-129, S-635 BE THE SUM OF TWO THOU- Rolseation, S-10~8 and New SAND THREE HUNDRED Line "A" ($2~q00.00) DOLLARS AND File 40.2000.3/61.124 HEREBY TENDERS PAY- ' ProjectMGE-SWIM(033) MENT THEREOF TO THE PIN 27923 LANDOWNER. South Carolina Department of 10. Payment of this amount Transportation, will be made to the Landowner Condemner, if within thirty (30) days of thia vs. Condemnation Notice, the Betty M. Burketts a/k/a Betty Landowner in writing requests Jean Buckstte s/k/a Bettie Jean payment, and agrees to execute Burketto a/k/a Bettle J. any instruments neceasary to Burkette, Alfred Martin, James convey to the Cendenmor the H. Martin, Renada A. Martin, property interests and rights Tasha Martin, Audrey L. described lioreinabeve. The Fulchor, Willie Martin, Jr request and agreement must by Charlene Martin, Leon Edwind sent by first class, certified mail Martin, Nadine Burkette and with return receipt requested or ingrid Martin Slaughter a/k/a delivered in parson to the Jody Slaughter, Condemner at the Richland Landowners, County Attorney's Office, Peat and Offce Be~ 192, 2020 Hampton Charter One Credit Street, Columbia, South Corporation, Mortgagee and Cerolina 29201. If no request Charter One Credit and agreement is received by Corporation, L/s Pendeno, the condemner within the thir- Other Condemnese, W-day (30) period, the tender is and considered rejected. " John Doe and Mary Roe, repre" II. The Condemner has the senting all unknown persono right to file this Condemnation having or claiming to have any Notice with the Clerk of Court right, title or interest in or to, of the County where the proper, or lien on the lands described ty is situated and depesit the herein, including all unknown tender amount with the Clerk. heirs of the Estates of Andrew The Condemnor shall give the Martin, Sr. and Lucinda E; Landowner notice that it has Martin a/k/a Lueinda Thompson done so and may then proceed Martin, to take poemseion of the proper- Unknown Clalmant(s). W interests and exorcise the TO: THE ~WNER(S). rights described in this AND OTHER UNKNOWN Cendemantien Notice. Should C~8) ABOVED the Col~demnor elect to exercise NAMED: its right to take possession, it YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- shall notll~Y the Condenmee by MONED, advised and notified, sepal:ate Notice prior to taking that pursuant to the South pmssesien. Carolina Eminent Domain 12. AN ACTION CHALLENG- Procedures Act, Section 28-2-10, ING THE CONDEMNOR~ et eeq the within RIGHT TO ACQUIRE THE Condemnation Notice and Tender of Payment, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, has been filed with the Clerk or'Court for Richiand County. The purpose of this lawsuit is to enable the Condamnor, the South Carolina Department of Transportation, to acquire certain real property for its public purposes, as is more fully stated in the attached Condemnation Notice and Tender of Payment. Responsive pleadings to the Condemnation Notice and Tender of Payment are not nec- essary. LIB PENDENS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Condanmor above named pursuant to the South Carolina Eminent Domain Procedures Act, Section 28-2-I0, ot seq of the South Carolina Cede of Laws, 1976, as amend- ed, has brought an action against the Condemnee(s) above named to acquire the real prep- erty described herein for public purposes, to-wit: All that parcel or strip of land, in fee simple Containing 1,903 square faerY0.044 of an acre, mere or less, and all improve- ments thereon, if any owned by Betty M. Burkstte a/Ida Betty Jean Burketto a/k/a Bettie Jean Burkette, a/k/a Bettie J. Burkette, etsl shown as the "Area of Acquiaitien" on Exhibit A, attached bereto and made a part hereof, between approxi- mate survey stations 364+00 and 367+00, left af Rued S-129. Tax Map Number: 04100-03-13. The property sought herein is to be acquired for public purposes, more particularly for the esn- struetion of a portion of Road S- 129, S-635 Relocation, 8-1068 and New Line "A" Intersection Improvement. NOTICE OF ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN AD LITEM N[SI Upon reading and filing the Petition oftbe Condemnor for the appointment of WiUiam H. Burrisa, as Guardian ad Litem Niai for the Unknown Condemnoe(s)'who are minors and Unknown Condemnee(s) under le~t disability, if any, herein collectively designated as John Doe and Mary Roe, and it appearing that the names and addressee of such minors, or other persono under legal dis- ability, if any, whether residents or non-residents of the State of South Carolina, are unknown to the Condeamor and cannot with reasenshle diligence be ascer- tained, and that the said William H. Burrise, is a suitable and competent persen to under- stand and protect the rights and interest of said Minor Landowner(s) and Others under legal disability, if any and has no interest therein adveres to the interest of eaid minors or Landowner(s) under legal dis- ability, if any, and is not con- nected in business with the Condemner in this action or with its counsel. IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED that the said William H. Burcias be, and (s)he is hereby, designated and appointed Guardian ad Litem Niai for said Unknown Minor Coudemnoe(s) and those Other Condamnoe(s) under legal dis- ability, if any, herein collectively designated as John Doe and Mary Roe, and (s)he is hereby authorized to appear and defend said action on behalf of said Condemnen(s), uMens said Minor Landowner(s), Other Condemnoe(s) under legal dis- ability, if any, or either of them shall within thirty days after the service of a copy of this Order upon them, exclusive of the day of service, as herein provided, procure to be appoint- ed a Guardian ad Litem for said Minor Landowner(s) or other Landowner(s) under legal die" ehfliW, if any, for the purposes of this action. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Order shall be served upon said Unknown Minor Condamnee(s) and Other Unknown Condemnee(s) udder legal disability, if any, herein collectively designated as John Doe and Mary Roe, by publica- tion of such notice of this Order in the Star Reporter, for a peri- ed of not lees than once a weak for three successive weeks, Paul D. de Hol~er, Esquire, SC Bar # 6905 Clifford O. Ko(m, Jr Esquire, SC Bar # 3599 Mary Prances Jowers, Esquire, SC Bar # 68413 Post Office Box 100261 Columbia, SC 29202 (803) 461-2300/(803) 461-2309 Attorneys for S.C. Department of 'IYanoportetton Columbia, South Carolina September 5, 2006 SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF FILING STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF SUMTKR IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ~-DR-45-752 Alton Lee Dorberty, Jr Plaintiff, vs. Brandy T Bailey, a/k/a Brandy Ayaia, Defendant. IN RE: Brandon Lee Bailey, A miner child who is under 16 years of age. TO THE ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- MONED and required to answer the Complaint herein, s espy of which is herewith served upon yon, and to serve a espy of your Answer to said Complaint upon the subocriber, at his offies at'16 Law Range, Sumter, South Carolina, within thirty (30) days after the service here- of, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fall to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, Plaintiffwill apply to the Court for the relief demand- ed in the Complaint. NOTICE OF FILING Take Notice that the Summons in the above entitled action, together with the Complaint seeking to change the last name of the minor child from Bailey to DorherW was filed in the ofl~e of the Clerk of Court (Family Court Division) for Sumter County on May 9, 2006. . S. Wayne Gamble, III Attorney for Plaintiff 16 Law Range; PO Box 2468 S~m~ter, SC 29151-2468 (803) 778-2130 September 8, 2OO6 SUMMONS 8TATR OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN 'I'En~ ~DURT OF COMMON ~ FOR THE FI[Fq~ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT 2006-CP-40-~008 (Non~/ury) (Colloctioem) A-TECH/SUBURBAN, INC. D/B/A A-TECH SUBURBAN, INC, Haintiff, VS. ROBERT MOSTBERGER A/K/A ROBERT M. MOSTBERGER AND COLUMBIA CAPITAL GARAGE DOOR, INC Defendants. TO THE DEFENDANT ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- MONED and required to appear and defend by answering the Complaint in this action, of which a espy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the Complaint upon the subscriber at his office, 1854 Waliase School Road, Suite B, Charleston, SC 29407, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclu- sive of the day of such service; except that the United Stete~ of America, if named, shall have sixty (60) days to answer after the service bereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to Answer the Complaint within the time spec- iflad above, or otherwise appear and defend, the Plaintiffin this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint, and judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Larry D. Cohen ATTORNEY FOR T I~ PLAINTIFF Charleston, South Carolina March 13, 2006 NOTICE OF FILING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Civil Cover Sheet, Summons and Complaint in this ection were filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Coupon Pleas for Richland County, South Carolina en May 24, 2006. Larry D. Cohen Larry D, Cohen, LLC 1854 Wallace School Rd, Sto B Cbarleston, SC 29407 Tel. (843) 225-4445 Fax (843)225-2009 ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF Charleston, South Carolina July 17, 2006 NOTICE OF EUBBID~ U.S. Constructore, Inc is solicit- ing sub bids for the 1-26 Saluda River Cros~ng & Riverwalk to be hid T~ursday, September 21, 2006. T~is project is port of the Three Rivers Greenway in Columbi.a, SC, Project No: 1692A4. All qualified parties including WBE, DBE, MBE, and VBE are invited to submit bids'on the following work: can- crete sidewalk, wooden board- walk & bridges, electrical serv- ice & lighting, fencing, herbicide & vegetation removal, landscap- ing and buildings. Fox or mail bids to U.S. Construct,s, Inc .101 Trade Zone Dr Suite 16A, West Columbia, SC 29170. Fax 803-822-0034. Phone 803-822- 0333. Contact Andy Gillie. Subcuntraetors will be required to furnish satisfactory insur- ance and may be required to provide performance bends. U.S. Constructors will advise and assist interested and quali- fied subcontractors in obtaining these. Bids should be received by 5:00 PM, September 18, 2006. Plans can be seen at the Dodge Room, CarolinasAGC, and the office of U.S. Constructors, Inc. Please c~ll for more information or to view plans. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Planteti~on Storage will bold a public s~le to'enforce a lien imposedl on said property, as dsaerthe~d below, pursuant to South C~arolina Self Storage Act, South C~erolina Code Sectiono 39-20.119 to 39-20-50 at 3 PM on the ~0th ~-mber 20~ at ~inn 8tm'al~ 810 berry Lane, Columb SC BZZB. Mauagelmcut reserves the right to with&raw any unit from sale. Registered or Motor Vehicles are sold "AS IS/PARTS ONLY" with no titles or registrations. N0482-Amanda Porter'. HG, Furn, B~s NOTICE OF LIEN In accordance with the provi- siena ol';Senth Carolina State Law, there being due and unpaid charges for which the undersigned is entitled to satis- fy an owner's lien of the goods horeinat~er des~J~ed and stored st Uncle Bob's SOW Storage; And, duc notice having been given, to the owner of said prop- erty and all parties known to claim an interest therein, and the time specified in such notice for payment of such having expired, the goods will be sold at public auctlen to the highest bidder or otherwise disposed of. CASH ONLY AT TIME OF SALE UNCLE BOB'B, 5311 -AOld Btmh River Rd, Columbia, "SC (808) 798-3787 Auction Date: 19, September 006 AM. C128 - Jerry Knightner - house. hold goods, furniture, brains, sporting goods, tools, appli- ance~, tv/storoo equip. C146 - Chase Williams - house- hold goods, furniture, boxes, appliances, tv/stereo equip. D102 - Patricin Prejean - house- hold goods D103 - Kedi Blanchard - house- hold goods, furniture, boxes, sporting goods, appliahees, W/stereo equip office equip account records D149 - Jesse Sellers - household goods El17 -Alins Good. household goods, boxes, sporting goods, appliances, clothes E126 - Kimyada Moses - house- hold goods, furniture, brains, sporting goods UNCI~ BOBS, 10020 Two Notch Rd, Columbia, 8C (~) 788-1438 AucUon Date: 19, September 2006 10"~0AM. E217- Laura Muller - f~rnituce D128- Tmvis W~lliams - Househmld goods. UN~CLE ROB's, 7408 Parklame Rd. Columbia, SC (808) 6596-1928 Auction Date: 19, ~ 2006 11:00 AM. A12 -Wililis Brewn-Houschold goods, ftureiture, boxes, tools. A27 -Mmrcus McCollum- Furniture. A44- Ronda Cyrus.Honsehoid goods, fi.truituro, Imxes, appli- ances, TVs or stereo equips, office equip. B40- William Webb-Household goods. DS- James Benn-Honsshold goods, boxes, applianese, TVs or stereo equip. D6- Tyrone Short-Purniture, boxes, TVs or stereo equip. D 16-Deborsh Hardwick - Furniture, boxes, sporting equip. D24- Roibert Powall-Furuiture` boxes. D29-Deh3orsh Herdwick-TV, table bolt water tank, boxes, bed fl, ame, b*ows, lamp. F18-Derrrell Maxwell-Houschdd goed~. F52-Adrfian Keller-Household goods. H31- Kinnborly Sebree.offce equip. H74- John Fritz-H~usehold goods, furniture, bexco, TVs or stereo equip. H82-Lateeia Lyons-Household goods, l~xes. UNCLE BOB'8,2~48 Two- Notch Rd. Columbia, SC (8O8) ~/9-8426 Auetlan Date : 19, September 2006 l~.q)0 PM, AS-Michael Reeos -Household Coeds A46-Edwerd O'Cotmor- Household Goods, Furniture, Boxes, TV's or Stereo Equip. A80.Willie Eleazer -Household Coeds, Furniture, Boxes B109-David Mack-Household Coeds B170.Thaddeus Smalls - Furniture, Boxes, 'INs or Stereo Equip B171-Mathew Moure.Houcehald Coeds B200-sonoca Hendemon - Household Goods, Furniture D269-Willie Briggs - Household Coeds, Furniture, Boxes, Appliancsa D271-Roselyn Adams - Household Goods D286-Mlehad Smoet-Houschold Goods, Furniture E317-Alake Walke~ Household Goods E335-Ramiro Gonzalez- Honseheld Goods, Furniture, Boxes, Sporting Goods, Tools, ' Applianose, TV~s or Stereo Equip, Office Equip, Office Machines, Account Records, Sales Samples E352-Mithalle Mayers- Household Goods, Furniture, Boxes, Sporting Goods, Tools, Appliances, TV's or Stereo Equip, Account Records, Other E374-Alake Walker - Household Goods E397-Antheny Parker- Household Goods E398-Antheny Parker. Household Goods E399-Arnold Friday - Houeebeld Goods, Furniture, Boxns, Appliances, TWs or Stereo Equip, Office Equip UNCLE ROWE, 7487 Garners Ferry Rd, Columbia, 8C (80,I) 7"/6-'/8O'/ Auotlen Date:lB, 8eptembe~ 2006 2:00 PM. 2042- Robert C~leman- Household goods. 2075-Latssha Neiecn-Furniture. 3013-Tatum Oceasotto HI - Household goods, furniture, boxes. 4008- Ra[phielle Green- Household goods, furniture, b~xes, appliances, TYS or stereo equip Account Recorda. 4014- Thersia Jackson - Household goods, furniture, b~es, appliances, TVs or stereo equip,offise Equip, Office Machines. 4019 -Penny Jefferson- Household Goods, 4103-Louis Hall Jr Household Goods. 6001- Urgent Care Pharmacy. Account records. 6052-Nicholas Garrick- Household goods, furniture, TVs or stereo equip 6109-Michelic Erected- Household goods, furniture, boxes, appliances. 6143-Tarik Fordham-HBuashold Goods. 6165-Reva Witherspo~- HouseHold Goods. 6131-Nathaniol Irvin- Household Goods. 7030.Ollie Rose*Houschoid Goods. SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF FILING OF SUMMON8 AND COMPLAINT STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF RICHIAND IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS ~00~-CP-40-4U5 Deut~be Bank Trust Company Americas formerly known as Bankor's Trust Company as Trustee and Custodian by Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc. f/k/a Moritech Mortgage Services, Inc. as its atteamey in Plaintiff(s), vs. Sharon Smith, Palmetto Health Alliance d/b/a Palmetto Riehiand Memorial Hospital f/k/a Richland Memorial Hospital, DSP Company, [no. d/b/a Fence by Max, First Financial Corporation, Caeh-O- Matic, American General Finance, CitiFinamtaL Inc. as successor in interest to Commoreial Credit Corporatien, Palmetto Health Alliance d/b/a Palmetto Baptist Medical Center, LVNV Fuuding, LLC, The United States of America, Defendant(s). TO THE DEFENDANT(S) Sharon Smith: YOUARE HEREBY SUM- MONED and required to amwer the Complaint in the above action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the undersigned at his office, 1501 Richland Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201, within thirty (30) days after service up~m you, exclusive of the day of anch service, and, if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, judgment by default will be rendered against you for relief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the original Complaint in this attisu was filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Richiand County on 872/~006. WESTON ADAMS LAW FIRM 1501 ~thland Street P. O, Box 291 Columbia, SC 29201 Columbia, South Cerdins August 24, 2006 BUMMON8 AND NOTICE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF RI~ IN THE FAMILY COURT 0 DR-40-~ KEITH HOFFLER" PLAINTIFF, VS. JUDITH HOFFLER" ANTHO- NY BRANCH, AND ANTHONY BRANCH, JE, AND ANTOINETTEBRANCH, MINOR CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF FOURTEEN (14) YEARS, DEFENDANTS. TO THE DEFENDANT ANTHONY BRANCH: YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- MONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer on the anbseriber/n his office, 5115 Forest Dr Suite G, P~t Office Box 6833, Columbia, South Carolina, within thirty (30) days aRer the service hereol: exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fat t9 anewor the Camp~a'~tt within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will appiyto the Canrt for the relief demanded in the Complaint. YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the SUmmons in the above captioned action, of which the foregoing is a copy, together with the Complaint, therein, were filed in the Office at" the Clerk of Court for Richiand County on the 16th day of August, 2006. Melvin D. Bannister Columbia, South Carolina 20th day of Juno, 2006. 8MONS AND NOTICE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF RICHLAND IN M FAMILY COURT FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT M-DR-10-FA64 Anthony Neleen Lykes, PLAINTIFF, vs. Christine Afford Lykes, DEFENDANTS. TO THE DEFENDANT CHRIS- TINE AFFORD LYKES: YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- MONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewitl~ served upon you, and to serve k espy of your answer on the subscriber in his office, 1507 Bush River Rd Post Office Box 12041, Columbia, South Carolina, 29211, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, e~elu- sive of the day of such eervies, and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff'in this action will apply to the Court for,the relief demanded in the Complaint. YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Summons in the above captioned action, of which the forege/ng is a espy, together with the Complaint, therein, were filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Richiand C~nW on the 16th day of August, 2006. William L. Pyatt Cdumbia, South Carolina 23rd day of Augnst, 2OO6. SUMMONS, NOTICE AND NOTICE OF MOTION FOR ORDER OF REFERENCE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF RICHLAND IN M COURT OF COMMON PLEAS (NON JURY) M-CP-40-4~09 Eqniveai Limited Partnership, Plaintiff, VS. William Goudwin, Mary E. Goedwiu, and ifehe be deceased, her heirs, Pers~al Rapre~mtatives, Sucse~cre and Assigns and Spouee~ if any they have, and all other p ~ono entitled to claim under them or through them, all unknown per- sons with any right, title, er intersat in or to the real estate des~ibed in the complaint, com- monly known as 114 Hfllercat Avenue, Richland County, South Carolina, also any unknown adults and those persons as who may be in the military service of the United States of America, all of them being a class dmig- nated as John Doe, and any unknown minors or persons under a disability being a class designated as Richard-Roe, Associates Financial Services, Emergant Mortgege Corporation, First Family Finanolal Services, and Sommatyme Corporatian, Defendants. TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE-NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- MONED and required to anowar the Comphiint in the abeve-entitied action, a espy of which is hereby served upon you and to sem~e a copy of yanr answer to said Complaint upon the subsc~bors at their office, lscatad at 2008 Merien Street, Suite J, Columbia, South Carolina, within thirty (30) days from the date of such serv- ile, and ffyou fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiffhecein will apply to the Court for an Order for Judgment by Default thereby granting the relief mquestod in ~id Complaint. YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN FURTHER NOTICE that should you fail to answer the foregoing S/anmono and Complaint, the Plaintiff will move for a general Order of Roferanes of this esuce to the Honocable Joseph M. - Strickland, Muter in EquiW for Rithiand County, or his succes- ser or aneceseere in offles or such Special Master or Special Referee to whom this ease may be asaigned, which Order shall, pursmmt to Rule 53 oftbe South Carolina Rules of Civil Pmcadum, speclflcal[y provide that the said Maaior, or his suc- esesor or succemors in offce or such Special Master or Special Referee, be auth&izad and empowered to cuter a final judgment in this cause with appeal, if tny, to the South Carolina Court of Appeals. August 2~, 2006 NOTICE OF FILING TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOV~ NAMED: Noties is hereby given that the Complaint in the foregoing action, together with the Summons, Notice and Notice of Motion for Order of Rofarence, of which the foregoing is a copy, was filed in the Offce of the Clerk of Court for Rithland County on July 31, 2006 and foe Amended Lie Pendene, Amended 8ummono Notice and Notice of Motian for Order of Reference and Amended Comphdot were flied in the Office oftbe Clerk of Court for Rithland County on August 17, 2006. NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been com. mansed and is now Pending in the Court of Commen Pleas for Richlend Couuty, South CaMina, upon the Complaint of the Plaintiff shove"named seek- ing a derlarstory judgment to quiet title to the property deettihed real property, to wit: All that certe~n piece, parcel or lot of land with the improve- manis thereon, situate, located; lying and being locatod in the City of Coinmbia, County of Richlend, Mte of South Carolina, being ehow~ and dee- igoated as Lot 26, Block 3, in a plat of Ciairvlew Terrace, pre- paM by Burford Jarkimn, dated April 30, 1947, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Richland County in Plat Beck L, page 148; also shown on a plat pre- pared for John Henry Hemming, Jr. and Deborsh M. Plemming, by B. Cox & Son, dated April 23, 1973, and eccording to later plat having the following boundaries and measurements, to-wit: on the North by Hill Crest Ave where- East by Lot 27, Block 3, meas- uring 150 feet; on the South by undesignated property, whan~m it measures 75 feet; on the West by Lot 25, Block 3 whereon it measures 150 feet, be all meas- urements a little more or less. TMS # 09206-04-10 ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN AD LITEM MM R appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, upon reading and filing oftbe Petition of the Plaintiff for the appointment of Jean-Meris Mille, Esquire, as Cmerdian nd Litem for unknown minors, and for all unknown persons who may be under a disability, it is ORDERED that Jean-Merle Mille, F~quire, of Columbia, South Carolina, be and is here- by appointed Guardian at Litem ou bchalf of all unknown minors and all unknown persona under a disability, all of whom may have or may claim to have some interest in or claim to the real property commonly known as 114 Ceroline Read, County of Greenville, South Cerolina; that he is empowered and directed to appear on behalf of and repre- sent said Defendants, unlese the said Defendants, or seine- one on their behalf, shall within thirty (30) days a/let service of a copy hereof as directed, pro- euro the appointment of Guardian or Guardians ad Lttem for the said Defendants; AND IT [S FURTHER ORDERED That a espy of this Order shall forthwith be served upon the said Defendants by publication thereof in The Columhia Star, a newspaper of general clrenla- lion pubilshad in the C,~nty of Richiand, State of South Carolina, enes a week for three (3) ceneecutive weeks, together with the Summons in the above entitled actien. Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for Richland CounW ORDER APPOINTING ATTORNEY FOR DEFENDANT8 IN TIlE MIL- ITARY Up~m reading and filing of the attached Petition for the Appointment of an Attorney to represent any known or unknown Defendants who may be in the Militery Service of the United States of America, and, may be, as such, entitled to the benefits of the provisions of the Soldiere' and Sailors' Civil ReilefAot of 1940, and any amendments thereto, and it fur- thor appearing that, Jean-Marie Mille, F~quire, has ~m~mtad to. act for and represent said Defendants, it is ORDERED that the said Jean- Marie Mille, be and he is hereby appointed attorney for any known or unknown Defandante who ere, or may be, in the Military Service of the United States of America, and may be, as such, entitled to the beneflto of the provisions of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief ACt of 1940, and any amendments thereto, to represent and pro- tect the interests of said Dofendants, and IT IS SO ORDERED. Clerk of Court of Commen Pleas for Richland CounW S.R. ANDERSON Atto~ey for Plalnt/ff PO Box 12188 Columbia, SC 29211 (8O3) 252-2828 EUMMONS AND NOTICES If]PATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF RI~ IN Tllg COUgr OF COI~ON PLEAS ~005-CP-40-81T/ CitLMortgsge, Ino. ancees~,r by merger with CitiFinandal Mortgage Company, In~, Plaintiff, VS. Levi Y. Gi[yecd and Catherine West, Sherry Jouea, Larry Hall Derethca Early and Livel Gallman as heirs to the Estate of Vora Mae Andersen a/k/a Vora H. Andersen, Defendant(s). (FSC) 10068 TO THE DEFENDANT(S): LARRY HALL, DORETHEA EARLY AND LIVEL GALLMAN YOU ARE HEREBY SUM-. MONED and requiM to appear and defend by answering the Cempiaint in this action, a copy of whith is hemeby served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer an the anbecribers at their offiess, 140 stoneridge Drive, Suite 450, Columbia, South Carolina 29210, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of anch service; e~pt that the United states of America, if named, shall have sixty (60) days to answer afoer the service horeof, exclusive of the day of such ~rvtes; and if you fail to do so, judgment by defoult will be rendered against yo~ for the relief demanded in the ram. plaint. TO MINOR(S) OVER FOUR. TEEN YEARS OF AGE, AND/OR TO MINOR(S) UNDER FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE AND THE PERSON WITH WHOM THE MINOR(S) RESIDES, AND/OR TO PER- SONS UNDER SOME LEGAL DISABILITY: YOU ARE FURTHER SUM. MONED AND NOTIFIED to eppiy for the appointment of a gnerdlan ad litem within thirty (30) days aRor the service of this Summons and Notice upen you. If yon fail to do so, appli- cation for such appointment will be made by Plaintiff. YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE that under the provi- aiensof South Carolina Cede 29-3-100, effective June 16, 1993, any collateral assignment of rents contained in the attached mortgage is perfeetsd and Plaintiff hereby gives notise that all rents shall be payable directly to it by ddivery to its undersigned attorneys from the date of default. In the aRerna- five, Plaintiff will move before a judge of this Circuit on the 10th day a/ter service hereof, or as soon tbereaRer as eounecL may be heard, for an Order enforcing the assignment of rents, if any, and compelling payment of all rents covered by such assign- ment directly to the Plaintiff, which motion is to be based upon the original note and mortgage and the Complaint attached hereto. Sondca L, Burr, 8C Bar No. 1045 PKRRIB & COLE OF SC, LLC 140 Stomridgo Drive Suite 450 Columbia, SC 29210 (8O3) 255-1856 Attornoys for Plaintiff August 18, 2006 Columbia, South Carolina NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT LARRY HALL: YOU WILL TAKE NOTICE that the Cover Sheet for Civil Actiorm, Certificate of Exempt/m/Withdrewal from Arhitratien and Mediation, Summons and Noticca, and Compleint, ofwliish the forege" ing is a copy of the Summons, Court for Richland County, South Carolina on May 31, 2006 and amended Summons and Noticea, and amended Complaint en July 13, 2006 TO THE DEFENDANT DORETHEA EARLY: YOU WILL TAKE NOTICE that