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The Columbia Star o SC
SEPTEMBER 8' 2006 3
From page one
doctors heard the news; they
closed the clinic and rushed The scar on William's chest is
to be with him. "They had aperfect cross.
such a bond with him. They Williams said before all
loved his cheerfulness and this happened he was a
his joking around." "ruthless, take no prisoners
"I was fighting, said business man." He owns Edi-
Williams. "I said 'God, you rice Artist Company Nowhis
promised me life.'" Right life has totally changed. He is
before he went into a coma, so grateful to his donor fatal-
Williams heard a voice say- ly He feels so much compos-
ing, "You can't have him." sign for his fellow man. "I will
Williams was in a coma for go that extra mile now. I feel
tendays. During that time, he so much love. This has
amazed the medical staff by changed my life totally," said
flapping his arms. Williams.
On January 27, 2007, The National Trans-
the doctors sent Williams plant games were held June
home, his gut cut wide open. 16-21, 2006. Williams was a
The doctors felt his body had participant and had prom-
had too nmch trauma to ised to bring home a medal
close him and open him for his donor family. He won
again if they had too. His the bronze for the long jump!
wife, Vivian, had to clean the Williams said, "The people at
opening tour times a day. the games are the most car-
"I never took my eyes ing people in the world.
off the Lord," said Williams. There are no hand shakes,
Miraculously, the opening just hugs.We all come togeth-
closed and healed by itself, er as one. There are no barri-
ers of any kind." "
Williams predicts, in
the next games in Pittsburgh,
he will win gold medals in the
100 yard dash, 200 yard dash,
and long jump.The medals
will be for his donor, for his
wife, and for the organization
where he volunteers. He
plans to lose 80 pounds. He is
already training at 5 am at the
Jude Fitness Center and in
the evenings at the Columbia
High School track.
Williams and his wife, a
teacher at Columbia High
School, have four grown chil-
dren: Travis, Karman, Xyvinia,
and Accorvia.
For information about
being a donor, below.
Editor's note: lake
Williams trill be glad ta talk
with anyone about being a
donor or a lramplant recipi-
He can be readwd at 256- .
736'3 or 4~-~56.
Contributed by LifePoint Lungs
S.C. is one of the leaders Smallintestines
in the U.S. (in regard to the
number of organs recur- Transplantable tissues
ere&) include:
Eight lives can be saved by Blood
one donor and hundreds Blood vessels
more can have life en- Bones
hancements through tissue Bone marrow
and ocular donations. Cartilage
IJfePoint, Inc,is an inde- Connective tissues
pendent non-profit corpo- Eyes
ation dedicated to advanc- Heart for valves
ing organ, eye and tissue Skin
donation in South Carolina
for transplantation and WhyYou Should Become a
research. Donor:
Almost everyone can
LifePoint's roles: donate. Donors may range
Work with hospitals in age from full-term new,
Provide family support burns through adults.
Procure the organs, tis- Each organ donor has the
sues, eyes potential to save the lives of
Arrange for transplanta- up to eight individuals and,
tion through tissue and eye
Maintain ongoing rela- donation, can provide
tionship with donor fami- life-enhanCing benefits to
lies hundreds more.
Everyone should sign up
Many waiting for a life-say- to be a donor. Medical
ing organ Data as of Aug experts will determine the
23, 2006: suitability of each potential
donor's organs and tissues
92,600 people are current- following death.
ly on the national waiting Doctors do everything
list for organs. Many of possible to save everyone's
them will die while waiting life regardless of the
because there is a critical patient's desire to donate.
shortage of donors in the The organ donor's family
U.S. is never charged fees for
664 of those on the donating.
national waiting list for * Donors do not feel any
organs are in South Caroli- pain and their bodies are
na (433 black, 219 white, 8 treated with the utmost
Asian, 3 Hispanic, 1 mul- respect.
tiracial). * Organ and tissue dona-
The majority of them tion do not interfere with
(604) are waiting for a kid- having an open casket.
hey. (418 of them are black). All organized religions
30 need a liver, eight a pan- gupport organ and tissue
creas, 15 a kidney and pan- donation.
creas, and 12 needa heart.
(Note: Totals may be less How to become a donor:
than the sums due to
patients included in multi- Download a donor card
ple categories.) from our LifePointWeb site:
What can be donated: Up Fill out the card, keep it in
to 25 different organs and your wallet and let your
tissues can be donated for loved ones know about
transplantation, your desire .to be a donor.
Donor cards can also be
Transplantable organs obtained from the Division
include: of MotorVehicles.
Heart For additional information,
Kidneys call LifePoint: 1-800-462-
Liver 0755 or 843-763-7755
If you would like to arrange
to have a guest speaker dis-
cuss organ and tissue dona-
tion, contact Donate Life
South Carolina 864-616-
5675 or 1-877-277-4866 (1-
87-277-pass it on).
They assist LifePoint in pro-
viding public education
about donation.
S.C. Donors in 2005:
S.C. is one of the leaders
in the U.S. in regard to
number of organs recov-
In 2005, S.C.'s donation
rate exceeded the expected
rate of 59.6% with a rate of
72.3% of those eligible
(brain-dead) saying yes to
LifePoint's success rate with
organ donation is signifi-
cantly higher statistically
than the expected rate that
is set by the Scientific Reg-
istry of Transplant Recipi-
ents, according to ntortality
rates and many other vari-
Of the 58 organ procure-
ment organizations (OPUs)
in the United States, South
Carolina's LifePoint ranks in
the top five in terms of
organs recovered per mil-
lion population.
We had 140 organ donors in
South Carolina during
2005. This represents 38.89
organ donors per million
population. The top OPO
recovered 40.65 organ
donors per capita.
The 140 organ donors in
S:C. last year provided a
total of 428 transplantable
organs. During 2005 Life-
Point also successfully
recovered tissues from
approximately 750 donors
in South Carolina. Their
generosity provided sight to
approximately 500 corneal
recipients. In addition,
approximately 15,000 peo-
ple can receive life-enhanc-
ing benefits as muscu-
loskeletal and cardiovascu-
lar recipients.
From page one
have lost their best placed on this earth. What
friend, Fran has lost her we have gained is the discov-
most precious son, Kelly has ery that this very wonderful
lost her beloved brother who young man will always be
had promised to walk her with us. He has permeated
clown the aisle and give her our hearts and souls, and we
away whenever she found have learned so very much
the right man ("Muff" and from him.
"Bubby" as they referred to There are already in
themselves were as close as the works many well
brother and sister could be). deserved memorials being
Helen Asbill of Aiken has lost made in his name with USC,
her grandson, and Pam and National Bank of S.C, and
Clint Parker of Greenville, Project Pet.We wish all could
S.C. have lost their treasured be as lucky to know our-
nephew, selves as David knew himself
The people of our and to set an example of
community have lost one of quality for life and love as he
the finest young men ever did. His passion for his
mother and his sister were
unsurpassed. He wanted to
"take care of them"
We can only take so
much sadness; so, dance,
sing laugh celebrate the
life that was before the death
and what it gave you and
what it will continue to give
you because you will always
have him in your heart. "So
it's the laughter we will
remember- whenever we
remember- the way he was."
David, you will be forever in
our lives and hearts.
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